Genre: Action, Sci-Fi, Shounen



The 8th year of the solar calendar, the Empire of Tokyo. This world was suffering from the threat of the human body ignition phenomenon " Homura Bito " that started after a certain catastrophe. Suddenly, a person who ignites from his own body is instantly engulfed in flames, losing his ego and burning his surroundings until his life is exhausted. In response to this threat, a " special fire brigade " was formed to protect the general public from the fear of fire and to investigate the causes and solutions of the human ignition phenomenon.

Shinra, a boy who has longed for a hero since he was a child, lost his mother and newborn brother in a sudden fire 12 years ago. Shinra, who was a "third-generation" capable person who can emit flames from her feet, is persecuted by the surroundings because the flames emitted from her body are said to be the cause of the fire. However, Shinra witnessed a mother, younger brother, and a third party other than herself in the room, wondering if that person was the culprit.

Shinra, who graduated from the training school and was assigned to the "8th Special Fire Brigade", does not increase the number of victims like her mother and younger brother, and also catches the criminal who killed her mother and younger brother and clears the wet clothes on herself. In order to do so, while working hard on training and firefighting activities with his friends, he will fight against the mysterious man "Joker" who is dying, the organization "Conductor faction" who holds the secret of Flame Bitto, and sometimes other fire brigades.