Genre: Action, Comedy, Magic, Fantasy, Shounen
Time passed, and
the Kingdom of Clover enjoyed peace with generations of magical
emperors and the nine magical knights underneath. Asta,
an orphan boy who lives there, continued to train day and night with the same
orphan boy, Yuno, aiming to become a magical emperor, but
contrary to Yunho, who is full of magical talent, Asta does magic at all. I
couldn't use it.
Eventually, at
the age of 15, on the day when the Grimoire was awarded,
Yunho and others around him were given the Magic Book, but not only Asta. After
that, a thief who aims at Yunho's spellbook finds out that Asta is a human
being who has no magical power by nature. Asta despairs and gives up her
dream, but Yunho's words remind her of her fighting spirit, and she obtains a
" five-leaf spellbook" that has the power to nullify
magic and repels thieves.
Six months
later, Asta decides to become a magical emperor again, and six months
later, Yuno joins the " black bull ",
which is said to be the worst and worst magical knights, and Yuno joins
the strongest magical knights, " Golden Dawn ." The step towards becoming two magical emperors begins here.